multiple-choice questions image

Rectifiers Basic Questions: MCQ Quiz

We have found many questions based on rectifiers in board and other competitive exams. Most of the students find it difficult to answer them correctly. Hence, we have made a quiz on Rectifier to enhance your knowledge related to the specific field and rate yourself. This section consists of multiple choice questions quiz on Rectifier…

class a power amplifiers image

Class A Power Amplifier Circuit: Efficiency | Characteristics Guide

In electronics, power amplifiers are categorized into various classes. These classes are based on the different characteristics of different power amplifier circuits. And Class A Amplifier is one of the simplest types of power amplifiers. Though it is least used power amplifier, it is one of the most asked amplifier class in interviews and various…

MCQ image

Rectifier Quiz 2: Multiple choice Numerical question

After searching we came with some more questions based on rectifiers. Most of you find it difficult to answer them correctly. To enhance your knowledge related to this field we made this quiz  little bit difficult from the previous one. In our previous tutorial, we provided rectifier basic quiz. This section consists of multiple choice questions quiz…

bridge rectifier image

Bridge Rectifier Circuit, Operation, Characteristics & Advantages

Full wave bridge rectifier is another type of full wave rectifier used to convert an alternating current input into a direct current output. In a bridge circuit configuration, it comprises of four diodes that provide the same polarity of output for either polarity of the input. The main feature of this diode bridge which makes…

full wave rectifiers image

Applications and Efficiency of Full Wave Rectifier

There are 3 types of equations that we study related to full wave rectifier. These are: Efficiency Equation, Form factor, and Peak factor. These equations are very useful because they help us to understand the performance of full wave rectifier circuit. In this article, we will understand each of these equations in detail.

Half-wave rectifier image

Half wave Rectifier Circuit, working, operation and characteristics

We have covered the basics of Rectifier and its types in our previous article. Now we will learn about each type of rectifier individually. In this article, we will cover all about half wave rectifier. As we have read that there are mainly three types of rectifiers, namely half wave, full wave, and center tapped….

Tunnel Diode And Tunnelling Effect

Tunnel Diode And Tunnelling Effect

Every student faces difficulty understanding the concept of Tunneling effect in the tunnel diode. Students are much confused about different types of diodes they encounter in their academics. We have already explained Photodiodes, Zener diode, Schottky Diode, LED etc. Now, we are going to explain about Tunnel diode, working operation, construction, and applications etc. What is…