In our previous article, we have introduced you to amplifiers and its types. To recall it again, “An amplifier is an electronic device used to boost up the strength of the weak signal.” For full knowledge go through this tutorial of amplifiers.
In our previous articles, we explained power amplifier, Amplifier classes, Class A power amplifier theory etc in detail. Here in this article, we are going to explore about Push-Pull Amplifier, its circuit, operation, advantages, and disadvantages in detail.
What is a Push-Pull Amplifier?
A push-pull amplifier is a type of amplifier that can drive current in either direction through the load. In terms of distortion and performance, push-pull amplifiers are more efficient than single-ended amplifier because of its push-pull arrangement.
In this arrangement, one transistor amplifies the positive half cycle whereas another transistor amplifies the negative half cycle of the signal i.e. whole signal is amplified at the output.
The output stage of a typical push-pull amplifier comprises two identical BJT’s or Mosfet’s i.e one source current through the load while another sink current from the load.

Push-pull Amplifier Details:
All audio power amplifiers used in the record player, transistor radio receivers, tape recorders etc make use of push-pull arrangement because these systems are usually operated by batteries where efficiency is the primary factor. Let’s have a look at its circuit diagram and operation.
Push Pull Circuit Diagram Explanation:
A push-pull amplifier circuit diagram is shown above. In the circuit diagram, two transistors T1 & T2 are placed back to back. Both the transistors are operated in class B operation i.e. the collector current is almost zero in the absence of the signal. Through a driver transformer, the input signal is given to the circuit from the driver stage. The secondary of driver transformer is center tapped which supplies equal and opposite voltages to the base circuits of the two transistors.
Center tap primary of the output transformer is connected to the collector circuit and at the secondary side, the load is connected. To get maximum output from the load, a suitable impedance matching is obtained by designing proper turn ratio of the output transformer. As shown in the figure above, the supply voltage is connected in between the center tap of the output transformer and the base.
Push-pull Amplifier operation:
In a push-pull amp, the input signal appears across the secondary AB of the driver transformer. During the first positive half cycle of the signal, end “A” of the transformer winding becomes positive and end “B” becomes negative. By this, the base-emitter junction of the transistor T1 becomes forward biased and T2 becomes reverse biased. This further allows the current conduction across the transistor T1 and makes the transistor T2 in the cut-off state. Therefore, the first half cycle of the signal is amplified by the transistor T1 and appears in the upper half of the primary of the output transformer.
During the negative half cycle of the signal, end B of the transformer winding becomes positive and end A becomes negative. So now, the base-emitter junction of the transistor T2 is forward biased and T1 is reverse biased which allow the current conduction across the transistor T2 and make the transistor T1 in the cut-off state. Therefore, the first half cycle of the signal is amplified by the transistor T2 and appears in the lower half of the primary of the output transformer.
Complete sine wave output in the secondary is obtained when the center tapped primary of the output transformer combines the two halves of the cycle. By proper impedance matching, maximum power can be transferred to the load.
As a result, the load resistance RL when referred to the primary side is calculated as:
RL’ = ( 2 N1 / N2 )2 * RL
N1 = No. of Primary turns between the center tap and either end of the output transformer
N2 = No. of secondary turns
Harmonic Distortion in Push-pull Amplifier:
When we apply a sinusoidal signal of frequency ω at the input of the amplifier, we get oppositely phased base currents represented by the following equations:
Ib1 = Ib sin ωt
Ib2 = Ib sin (ωt + π)
As we know, due to the nonlinearity of the transistor, even if the input is sinusoidal, the output current contains harmonics. The output i.e. collector current of the first transistor is then represented as;
Ic1 = I0 + I1 sin ωt + I2 sin 2ωt + I3 sin 3ωt + ….
As the collector current of second transistor is 180o out of phase, it can be represented as;
Ic2 = I0 + I1 sin (ωt + π) + I2 sin 2(ωt + π) + I3 sin 3(ωt + π) + ….
Ic2 = I0 + I1 sin (ωt + π) + I2 sin (2ωt + 2π) + I3 sin (3ωt + 3π) + ….
Ic2 = I0 – I1 sin ωt + I2 sin 2ωt – I3 sin 3ωt + ….
Since the matched pair of complementary transistors is available in the market, therefore we assume that the characteristics of the two transistors are identical.
In this amplifier, the voltage induced in the secondary of the output transformer is proportional to the difference between the two collector currents i.e. Ic1 – Ic2.The power developed in the load RL depends on upon the output voltage.
Note: In push-pull amplifiers, all even harmonics get canceled.
Advantages and Disadvantages of push-pull Amplifier:
Push Pull Amplifier Advantages:
Advantages of the Push-Pull amplifier are:
- Due to Class B operation, their collector efficiency is quite high.
- They give more AC output power per device.
- Distortion free output is obtained.
- Output Transformer used for push-pull amplifier circuit are lighter, smaller and less expensive than the transformers of comparable quality that are used in single-ended circuits.
- In the core of the output transformer, the DC components for output currents of the two devices oppose each other magnetically which eliminates the tendency of the core to saturate.
Push Pull Amplifier Disadvantages:
Following are the disadvantages of a Push-Pull amplifier:
- It requires two equal and opposite voltages at the input, therefore, driver stage has to be employed.
- Unequal amplification of the two halves of the signal introduces more distortion.
- Two identical transistors are required.
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It is a simple formation of push pull amplifier
Plzzz help me in the figure which is collector current… N what is it… Plzzz help me…
Hi Sakshi,
Thanks for asking the query.
In the above image, there are 2 transistors. T1 and T2. T1 is at the top and T2 at below. Now understand, this is a Class B amplifier. T1and T2 are both NPN transistor.
The emitter of both T1 and T2 are joined together and are reverse biased in this amplifier circuit. So, the current starts from the emitter and goes into the collector. In both of the transistor.
In the above image, current shown by the arrow is Ic (i.e collector current). Starting from the emitter and entering into collector due to the difference in the polarity of the signal sent by center tapped transformer shown on the leftmost side of the image.
I hope you have understood now. otherwise, you need to read related articles with concentration.
Read: NPN and PNP transistor and their working principle under positive and reverse biasing. Then again come to the topic.
Again, I am sorry about the image, we are redesigning new images that will be far good from these old images. 🙂
You can ask for more doubts. We are happy in helping students in their studies. And if you are an engineering student and have Electronics and electrical branch, I can recommend you books that will help you in quality study.
Very good explanation dear your work is very good please keep it on always.
what is cross over distrortion
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for stopping by our blog. Crossover Distortion is basically a phenomenal effect that occurs during the period of change of the signal. In simple terms, we can say that Crossover Distortion occurs when one signal shuts off and other signal gets “ON”. This phenomenon occurs in Pushpull Amplifier AB and Push-pull Amplifier B.
Plz help
Is operation means working of push pull
Also is there any difference between class B amplifier and push pull amplifier
Hi Shah Burhan,
Thanks for commenting.
1. Yes, operation means working of a push-pull amplifier.
2. There can be a class A push-pull too. Not reserved for class B only.
The plain Class B is able to amplify either positive or negative half cycle of the full signal waveform. So, obviously, we need two class B stages connected as push pull to have the full cycle of the input signal amplified. In one half, one of the amplifiers seems to push the amplitude up, while on the other half, the other takes over and seems to pull the amplitude down. The combined effect is to give a large amplification of the waveform suitable for the last stage of power amplification.
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fully explained,enjoyed.
Thanks Kefah,
Do like our fb page for more updates
Good explanation
Thanks Sahil,
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